ClowderTask's summer plans

Summer is coming, and thus, I am coming back to development on ClowderTask. I am excited about this! After a couple of months focused on the end-of-year at my first year of university, I feel ready to take stock and return.

There a few important things I've learned this year, especially in this last semester, that I want to take forward with me.

The main one is spending more time planning. I wanted to jump into developing and writing the code for ClowderTask because I was really excited to see ClowderTask start doing things! Honestly, I wanted to get it done as fast as possible, I thought "I can just improve it later!" However, I'm going to take a step back from that and completely reconsider ClowderTask's development. I think the beginning is more important than I realised before.

The core goals of ClowderTask will remain the same. You'll have your desktop application that encourages you to spend time on tasks that you've given yourself by giving you points to spend on your cat. That won't change. However, I want to spend more time planning how I'm going to do this. Here's my current plan:

  1. Learn more about UWP (Universal Windows Platform) and WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). While WinForms is robust, it feels a little outdated in comparison, and I want to properly consider which platform I'd like to continue with.

  2. Learn about the MVVM (Model-View-View-Model) architectural pattern, which seems more appropriate for this type of application.

  3. Learn more about XAML in order to build a nice UI.

  4. Study more about SQL, SQLite and database design.

I should be doing these things before actually trying to implement them! I'll do my best not to get trapped in 'tutorial hell'. I'll also be posting a bit about what I learn.

So, I may not be able to have a complete ClowderTask by summer's end, but I want a nice app instead of a janky rushed one :) Apologies to anyone waiting for their cat friend to help them study or work! I hope you can keep learning from this blog though if you're a new student like me :)